
BCP My House My Bank


As the coronavirus pandemic reached all over the country, as part of the strategy we have from our BCP BANK brand, we need to stay connected, especially when we must stay physically apart.  We launched a campaign that shows that, simply by having a computer or a cell phone, your home can automatically become a BCP agency, that means being able to order any of their products or services. You don´t need to expose yourself and come to our bank, let´s make your home a safety bank.

As a team, agency and bank, we set out not only to communicate but to do everything we can to keep our clients safe and also to help them with everything we can monthly. We try to provide the necessary help so that they can cope in the best possible way at this time and collaborating so that Peruvians do not have to leave home and expose themselves to the virus. You will see in the other two campaigns we did during the pandemic, which are in another part of my book.

Video Content (Spanish)
